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Let's Put Your Weight Loss on Autopilot.


Weight Loss:

Drop the Pounds On the Go. 

Say NO to:

  • Weight Loss Meal Delivery Plans
  • Counting Points
  • Counting Carbs
  • Counting Calories
  • Expensive Equipment
  • Monthly Autopay Subscriptions
  • $$$ "Medical Weight Loss" Plans
  • Gaining the Weight Back

It's Discouraging. It's Frustrating.

I've had my struggles too.

It's An Emotional Drain. I know how it feels. Whether we are carrying around an extra 20, 50, or 100 pounds, it undoubtedly weighs on us emotionally. It hurts our confidence and makes us feel helpless, frustrated, defeated, hopeless, depressed, and sometimes angry. Although I didn't need to lose 50 or 100 pounds at the time of this photo, I felt all the above. As a former champion weightlifter and aspiring bodybuilder, I knew I could do better. Even though I am in my 40's, it still bothered me. (We can't let ourselves go just because we are getting older.)

I can relate.

Whether it is 20 or 100 pounds, these emotions are robbing you of the life you are meant to have. Not only can the weight do this to you, but trying and failing to lose weight (or keep it off) can also lead to these same emotions. What different emotions would you be feeling right now if you weren’t carrying around the extra pounds? I want you to start feeling those!

I want you to be able to enjoy your life and feel comfortable in your own skin.

It Limits Our Lives. Not only does being overweight hurt us emotionally, it also robs us of the life we could be living. We can see the extra weight as an “extra person” attached to us physically, robbing us in every area of life.

Think about it. What opportunities in the last year  has your weight kept you from enjoying? Yes, being overweight can shorten our life. But it is also destroying the quality of life we could be enjoying right now at this very moment. It can be robbing us of our present and future. WE MUST STOP THIS THIEF!

You've Tried Diets. Maybe you know all of this and have TRIED to lose weight before with special diets and meal plans. But they didn’t work. Perhaps they worked for a short while, but the pounds returned once you stopped eating the special foods from the plan. Maybe you were on a restrictive diet, drinking only weight loss shakes or other prepackaged foods. Again, once you stopped eating those foods, the weight returned!

You've Tried Exercise. Maybe you've tried many of the exercise programs like Peloton, H.I.I.T., CrossFit, fitness apps, personal/group training. For whatever reason, they were not sustainable. Maybe you were injured from trying to do too much at once. Perhaps your schedule wouldn’t allow this to be a long-term solution for you. Whatever the reason, you were not able to find a sustainable exercise solution. 

So I know it's discouraging to have the extra weight and no solution that works for you.

What is this solution? I call them the "LWLS 4 Pillars of Weight Loss." 

But There Is A Solution

Pillars of Weight Loss Success


Let's face it, the reason we keep the weight on is that we sabotage ourselves from the outset. We need to address what is going on from the neck up to start getting your weight down. This is Pillar 1.


The second most significant reason for weight loss failure is that we set ourselves up to fail before even stepping out of bed in the morning. For this, we need to address the daily traps in your routines that keep you from shedding the pounds. This is Pillar 2.


The third reason for weight loss failure is that we fall prey to the typical "dieting" approaches. They don't work long term. We need to help you find the right nutritional path for you. This is Pillar 3.


Lastly, we fail to lose weight because we are not moving enough. It is that simple. We need to help you find creative ways to move more without following special "workout plans" and overexerting yourself, risking injury. This is Pillar 4.

LWLS Journey Jumpstart

Course Overview

The Journey Jumpstart is an online course designed to help you build YOUR Pillars of (Long Term) Weight Loss Success. It is an 8-week journey of daily teaching, guidance and encouragement. Check out a free lessonThe “Biggest Challenge” & Making the Most of Your Meals and Time [HERE].

The course is broken down into 8 Modules (one per week). There are 6 or 7 lessons per module. You will have access to one lesson per day. It will include content that provides you with specific guidance to build each of your four pillars: Mindset, Lifestyle, Nutrition, and Exercise. The modules and lessons are specifically designed to teach you how to achieve your weight loss goal.

Journey Jumpstart

Course Modules


Module 1: Starting the Race

In this module, we will cover everything to get you off to a good start. You will begin setting up routines and practices that will serve you well as you begin changing the habits that will transform you from the inside out for long-term results.


Module 2: Mapping Your Course

Now that you are under way with one week under your belt, I will be giving you some ideas and strategies to keep in mind as we map your course to success on your 8 week Jumpstart Journey. Check out a free lessonThe “Biggest Challenge” & Making the Most of Your Meals and Time" [HERE].


Module 3: Building Your Toolbox (Part 1)

In this module, we begin to focus on equipping you with practical tools for winning the daily battles in building the four pillars These tools will help you begin to build the healthy habits that will keep the weight off for the long-term. 


Module 4: Building Your Toolbox (Part 2)

In this module, we continue building on the foundational habits by giving you more tools for the remaining weeks of the Jumpstart Journey and beyond.


Module 5: Making Adjustments

In this module, our focus will be on making adjustments to the various areas we have covered so far. You have had a chance to see how your body reacted to your changes thus far. We want to use some of these outcomes to make realignments to help you NAIL your goal!


Module 6: Calling On Your Reserves

Up to this point, you have had your highs and lows. So whether your “arrow” is pointing up or down, you will need to increase and call upon your reserves to have a successful outcome. In this module, our focus will be on resources you are going to need to push through as we approach the latter portion of the Journey Jumpstart.


Module 7: Running TO the Finish

In this module, we will be focusing on guarding your path to the finish line of your Journey Jumpstart. We will be defining the obstacles that have hindered you on this journey thus far and make a conscious effort to avoid them.


Module 8: Running THROUGH the Finish

In this module, we will be looking beyond the finish line so you can run through it at full speed. Now is not the time to look at the finish line and coast, but to look to your next goal, shift your trajectory and accelerate toward it! 

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up

8- Module Holistic Curriculum

The curriculum will cover our four pillars of weight loss success: Mindset, Lifestyle, Nutrition & Exercise.

Layered Approach

The Mental Aspect is primary. Lifestyle is layered on top of this, followed by Nutrition & Exercise.

Phase-Based Plan

Each module of the curriculum prepares you for the next as you ramp up efforts to reach your goal.

Daily Guidance

Receive daily step-by-step instruction, guidance, and action to take.

Online Weight Loss Goal Tracker

Monitor weight loss trend with the daily online tracker.

Success Toolbox

Downloadable tools for implementing new strategies

About Thomas

In 1997, during his last year serving in the United States Marine Corps, Thomas started his fitness training journey at a 24-Hour Fitness in San Diego, California. Then, after taking a detour for almost ten years working in medical technology, he returned to his first love of fitness training by starting Higher Level Training Corp in 2006. 

During both stints in training clients, Thomas found the same problem preventing them from attaining their health and fitness goals. They would train with him for about 3 hours per week. But the lifestyle they maintained for the other 165 hours of the week would not support the results they wanted. So to help people gain lasting results, he stopped doing personal training. Instead, he shifted and started coaching people on their spiritual lifeperformance mindset toolslife planning & strategizing, and lifestyle habits that SUPPORT weight loss.

So in 2020, after decades of experience in fitness, Lifestyle Weight Loss Systems (LWLS) was born to focus exclusively on weight loss by helping people lose weight by making small, incremental changes to their daily routines, not by using special diet plans or exercise programs. Now it's your turn to give birth to a new you. Take control of your weight. 

Here Are Just Some Of The Things You'll Learn

  • How to suppress your appetite naturally
  • How to lose more weight with less exercise
  • How to lose weight when you're surrounded by junk food!
  • How to leverage weight loss failure for success
  • How to lose weight by slowing down (your life)
  • How to use your daily routines to make it easier to lose weight
  • How to change the thoughts that sabotage your weight loss
  • How to keep going even when you are unmotivated
  • A simple way to defeat your sugar habit
  • How to defeat your late night eating habits
  • How to make eating healthy easier than eating junkfood
  • How to not beat yourself up when you mess up on your weight loss journey
  • WHY it is normal to go up and down with your weight on the road to your goal
  • How to use your wardrobe to help you lose weight.
  • And much more...
Journey Jumpstart

The First Step in Building A Healthy Weight Lifestyle



  • Daily Guidance (Exactly What To Do)
  • Online Weight Loss Tracker
  • 8 Weeks
  • Tools for Your Success Toolbox
money back
100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.

Suppose you, in good faith, have consistently followed the program and are not seeing results. In that case, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, get in touch with me, and I'll either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund.

Forget about high tech equipment, counting points & carbs. 

Automate Your Weight Loss with new habits!

On A Personal Note...

On a personal note, I just want to tell you that I know the struggle with shedding the pounds too. You can do this. I know the frustration of having the pounds to lose and just not being able to make it happen. Below is a photo of me and my beautiful wife before I created this program to help me as I helped my own clients.

This is a course I am very proud of because I know the opportunities it will give you to live a happier and more confident life. It will improve all the relationships that are most important to you. 

I hope you will join me and open up a new world for yourself and those you love. After dropping over 20 pounds from this photo, I felt a lot more confident to start  acting and modeling when the opportunity came to my doorstep. I think you'll find new life and opportunities when you lose the pounds too!

I hope you'll join me.

Thomas Hadley, Founder LWLS

Life Before: Remember, I know how it feels.

Thomas Hadley, LWLS Founder

Life After: Google Chromebook Ad with my children

And After: Role in The Weeknd Video. (I'm the Dad on the couch and bursting into the bedroom)
